Use grep to search for text in files
Use grep to search for text in files

use grep to search for text in files

In this example we will print 1 lines before match and 2 lines after match in a single shot. Now we will provide both parameters to the -Context where before and after line numbers will be provided. PS> Select-String -Pattern "case" -Context 0,3 poet.txt Display N Lines After Match Display N Line Before and After Match In this example we will print 3 lines after the match. We will use -Context options again but we will provide after part of the line numbers. PS> Select-String -Pattern "case" -Context 2,0 poet.txt Display N Lines Before Match Display N Lines After Match If we are looking some part of the text and need to see previous lines of the matches we can provide -Context option whit the number of lines we want to print. PS> Select-String -Pattern " case " poet.txt Match Whole Word Display N Lines Before Match

use grep to search for text in files

We will search case search term as a whole word. If we need to match whole word which is surrounded by white spaces we should put white spaces around the search term. PS> Select-String -Pattern "EX.*E" poet.txt Match Regular Expression Match Whole Wordīy default given search term or string is looked partially or on whole words. In this example we will use regular expression E.*E to match string. We can provide regular expressions into pattern too. Select-String command also supports regular expressions. Regular expression provides to define more rich and structured string expressions. PS> Select-String -Pattern EX -CaseSensitive *.txt Case Sensitive Search Match Regular Expression We can change this behaviour by using -CaseSensitve option like below.

use grep to search for text in files

PS> Get-ChildItem c:\*.txt -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern EX Search Files Recursively Case Sensitive Searchīy default given strings are searched case insensitive. We will provide Get-ChildItem command to provide files recursively to the Select-String command like below. Recursively searching will look given string in all current folder and al subfolders. Now the most advanced file specification is searching files recursively. PS> Select-String -Pattern EX *.txt Search String In Multiple Files Search Files Recursively

use grep to search for text in files

In this example we will search in all text files by specifying *.txt file name. We can search string in multiple files by providing file name or extension with the help asterisk. In previous example we have searched given string in a single file but real world problems are more than that. \poet.txt Search String In A File Search String In Multiple Files -Pattern specifies the string we are searching for.One of the simplest usage and most used feature is simply searching given string in a file. PS> get-help Select-String Help Search String In A File Help about Select-String can be get with the following command. In this tutorial we will look different use cases with examples of Select-String tool. Powershell provides Select-String commandlet to provide similar features and options the Linux grep tool provides.

#Use grep to search for text in files windows#

On the other side Windows operating systems generally lacks this tool and its functionality up to Powershell. This tool is popular amongst Linux system administrators. Linux provides tool named grep for filter text data or output according to given string or regular expression.

Use grep to search for text in files